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Auburn Dog Bite Lawyer

Dogs may be one of the most popular pets in Auburn, Washington, but they can also be very dangerous. Dog bites can transmit infections and cause severe injuries, including facial disfigurement and permanent scarring. In the aftermath of a dog attack, you can struggle to pay for the services you need to recover.

You may be eligible for financial compensation through a lawsuit against the dangerous dog’s owner. In these situations, trust Colburn Law the Washington Dog Bite Lawyers to represent your claim. Our Auburn dog bite attorney has the experience, skills, and resources necessary to fight for the compensation you deserve.

Why Choose Us

  • Our Auburn dog bite lawyers will always be available to answer your questions and remedy any concerns you may have. You will have a direct line of communication with your attorney.
  • We understand that travel can be difficult after an injury. Our Auburn dog bite lawyer will gladly meet you in a convenient location upon your request.
  • The Washington Dog  Bite Lawyers have secured millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for our clients, proving our dedication to your maximum recovery.

Washington’s Dog Bite Laws

Washington follows a strict liability statute when it comes to dog bites. Under the Revised Code of Washington section 16.08.040, a dog owner may be liable for any dog bite injuries his or her dog inflicts. The owner does not have to act in negligence or know that the dog has aggressive or violent tendencies to be liable for these damages.

This liability extends to any person in a public place or lawfully on private property, including the owner’s home. If the victim was trespassing or unlawfully on the property, the owner may not be liable for his or her damages. The strict liability standard only applies to dog bite cases; if the dog injures a person in another way, such as pushing the victim on a sidewalk, the victim will likely need to prove that negligence occurred to recover compensation.

What to Do After a Dog Attack in Auburn

If you are the victim of a dog attack, it can be difficult to know what to do next. The actions you take immediately after the attack will have a major impact on the rest of your case. After getting to a safe location, take the following steps to collect evidence and seek help:

  • Call the police and report the incident to law enforcement.
  • Perform basic first aid on the bite wound to avoid infection. Wash the wound with soap and warm water, apply an antibiotic cream, and dress it in sterile bandages.
  • Seek medical attention, even if the wound is minor. Save all records you receive from your visit.
  • Identify the owner of the dog and collect his or her contact information.
  • If any witnesses saw the attack, ask for their contact information.
  • Take as many photographs of your injuries and the area around the attack as possible.
  • Contact a dog bite attorney to discuss filing a claim against the owner.

Contact Colburn Law Today

Seeking compensation after a dog attack can be difficult, especially if the owner claims you were trespassing or provoked the dog. If you are struggling with a dog bite injury, you need an attorney on your side—and the Auburn dog bite lawyer at Colburn Law can help.

Contact the Washington dog bite lawyers at Colburn Law as soon as possible after your injury to discuss your legal options. Our Auburn dog bite attorneys will launch a full investigation into your claim and determine your optimal path to compensation. Other nearby dog bite lawyers include Federal Way and Kent dog bite lawyers.